Friday, August 30, 2013

Savalivali means go for a walk

'Savalivali' is a well known Samoan song that is easy to sing and dance to.  Have fun watching this movie created by the clever Room 8 students.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Justus's Prince Charming fairytale

In Writing we are focussing on narratives.  Here is a fairytale Justus created on his own.  Well done Justus!  I liked the way you presented your characters with a lot of expression.  Keep up the great work.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Harold's Life education

Here is a short clip of Harold's cool song called 'Keep your cool'.  Thanks Lynn for teaching us all about being kind to everyone!

Tom's Nursery Rhyme animation

Here is Tom's Nursery Rhyme animation about the Incey Wincy Spider.  Well done Tom!

Martin's Nursery Rhyme animation

Here is Martin's Nursery Rhyme animation about the Incey Wincy Spider.  Well done Martin!

Paige's Hickory Dickory Dock animation

Here is Paige's Nursery Rhyme animation about Hickory Dickory Dock.  Great work Paige!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Duffy Award for Week 2: Tom

Congratulations to Tom for winning the Duffy Award for Week 2.  Keep up the good work Tom!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Basketball skills - Pivot pass

Every Tuesday in term 2 we will be learning about Basketball. Here is a short clip of our session with Steph teaching us how to pivot and pass.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Cook Islands Language Week 2013

Kia Orana, the second Pacific Language Week for 2013 is Cook Islands Language Week.  The theme for the week is: Toku Reo, Utuutu `la: My Language, Nurture it.  Have a go learning the Cook Islands greetings.  Ka Kite (Good bye)